Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, at home

Formerly sick guy, now weak,worn, and highly motivated guy here.
The last series of posts have been a special blessing. It was my delight to say I was better yesterday. Today is a slower continuation of yesterday.
I am a morning person. I can't sleep beyond the rising of the sun. That is why i got out of bed this morning at 11:30. Honestly; I am ruined!
We got out for a while this morning. Well, by the time we got out it was already afternoon. I gave Mexican a try for lunch...........i am still enjoying it. That was probably a bit premature for a new system. Denise and I split a Chimichanga. I left half of my half.
Today we are going to try to get out twice!!! I just can't wait. I feel like the old hound dog in the back of a pick up; excited to go for a ride with his tongue hanging out in the breeze. People tend to stare at me a bit with the tongue hanging out and all. But I DONT CARE!
Have I mentioned that I don't have cancer?
Through all the physical trials, we may have failed to explain that this surgery was the only option to remove any risk of my cancer returning. That is pretty big to us. For over five years now every ache and pain sent me to the doc. Each time he would mumble something about the cancer returning. To quote the great theologian, Chief Inspector Clouseau (Of Pink Panther fame), "Not any muure!"
I have been studding hard for my bladder test tomorrow. At 10:30, i will face my examiner. She scares me. She is 5'4", black hair, brown eyes, and 21 years old. I am shuddering right now!
By this time tomorrow, i hope to claim the Doxology again. Until then, I am longing to be back with you. Thanks for your prayers and love.


7.62x54r said...

I think you're ready to put a date on the calendar for a trip to the range.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 35:27
God Delights in your welfare.

for more on this:

Our prayers continue for you and Denise

Kylie said...

I am glad you are starting to feel better. If you need something to occupy some of your time as you REST and recover, I read a really great book yesterday (I took a mental health day from work). The book was so good that I read it from cover to cover in one day (yes, I am a bit of a nerd when given a great book). The title of the book is "Same Kind of Different As Me", by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. You can learn more about it at www.samekindofdifferentasme.com

Just a suggestion...it's a true story.

Hope you continue to feel better!!!

Millie said...

I am so glad to see you getting stronger every day. Mexican?? What were you thinking? And here I have been thinking you were eating pudding and jello and all that runny stuff! If Denise weren't such a great cook, I would offer to cook for you, but she puts me to shame. But I would be happy to prepare anything you could eat anytime. Keep up those high spirits and the prayers are continuing for good results tomorrow. Love you both, Millie

Teresa Putnam said...

It is such a joy to read your blog, and know God is still in control of things. (even bladders)
There will be a special prayer for you tommorrow.
We missed you Sunday, but the service was awesome!!!!!!!!
I was reminded of where I was, and where I am now in my walk with God, and I give thanks.

God bless you and Nise,


Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

Brother Aaron,

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but what they serve in Georgia as Mexican is not Mexican, it's counterfeit Mexican. Still glad you were able to get out and about.

Good luck on your test tomorrow, I've got a systematic theology final on Friday, I hope we both pass.

Prayers continue,

Joy Carroll said...


I can see sushi's not too far away. I'll be glad to take you to a great one. Of course you Alabama boys might think it's bait. With the thought of facing a lady like the one you'll have to face for the test tomorrow, my bladder would go into hiding too.
We'll be praying for good results. All in God's time.


Joy Carroll

Joy Carroll said...
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Russ and Sandy said...

Eat all the mexican - counterfeit or whatever - you want, just remember not to eat Joy's corn. I'll bet it's yellow corn and not white corn. What do you think?

Our hearts are lifted by your good spirits - awesome news to hear you're better. Keep it up. We'll be praying that all goes, and we mean GOES, well tomorrow.

Mark Traylor said...

We are so thankful that you are beginning to feel better. New normal is beginning to sink in?

Caleb wants to tell you that he hopes "your next preach is soon"!

The boys (and Mark and I) couldn't believe that we haven't sent you the following knock knock joke yet. I really thought we already had. It is by far one of our favorites!

Knock Knock

Who's There?


Codkadoodle Who?

Not cockadoodle who, you silly rooster, it's cockadoodledoo!!

Love ya,
The Traylors

harris said...

Did I ever tell you I love this blog thing? We'll continue to pray for many more victories in your recovery.
Thank you everyone who blogs on this site. It is so refreshing and a good laugh is always involved. I love the knock knock jokes. Tell the boys they pick awesome ones.
Love you all!
Dee and family