Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, at home

Sick, but improving, guy here.
Today has been the best day since surgery. That really isn't saying too much. Let me rephrase: today has been a good day. Most of the pain has subsided. Nausea is completely manageable. Strength is coming back a bit at a time. Dizziness is almost completely gone. My vision is almost back to normal. All these and more are praises won at the throne! Thank you for your faithfulness in praying. I am living proof of the power of prayer.
Let me clear something up; I don't have a "J-pouch." I have what is called a BCIR. That stands for Barnett Continent Intestinal Reservoir. Most of the people who have this surgery previously had a "J-pouch." You can look it up on line if you want to know more. I am afraid that i know too much about it already.
I have learned that we now have a Blog at church. I man shift from this blog to the Summit Blog. There are many thoughts and reflections rambling around my empty head. Putting these on paper, or virtual paper, helps me organize the random. If you are up for a continual Pastor's Blogg, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Praying for GREAT days ahead!

I hope if you start blogging on the Summit blog, that it will be something we can all read!

Still praying, and hugs to you!

Angie Johnson

duckett said...

Gomer says hey!! Love your posts, but can't wait till we get the real thing.
Prayers and thoughts for you all.
Love ya
The Ducketts

Janice Cheshire said...

Prayer is our most powerful weapon and we really don't truly understand its ultimate effects. It is encouraging to see the storm moving away after dumping so much rain. That rain (your surgery) will now cause the growth and substaining of life all around you.
Thanks for your prayers for teachers. My students came back today and I need your prayers for one of my new seniors who was diagnosed with rectal cancer 3 weeks ago. She is now in a wheelchair and has already started chemo and radiation. In a few weeks they will do a colostomy. She is only 17 years old. Please pray for K, she will need all your prayers. Pray also that I will be able to talk with her and her family about God during this time.
I teach in a public school. I know that God has put her in my anatomy class for a special reason.
Aaron, you can imagine what she is about to undergo.

THE HUTCH said...

Praying for you Brother. Keep it going on the Summit blog!!

We love ya!!

Greg spry said...

Hello almost sick guy, glad to hear you resting in Georgia, how about them DAWGS, not really WAR EAGLE. Hope and pray you continue to improve, give Denise a hug.

Unknown said...

Pastor and Denise,

First of all, thank you. The reasons are too numerous to name, but know that your life, your testimony, your faith, your spirit, your words, your courage, etc. inspire us all to be more like Christ each and every day. Thank you. I, too, am looking forward to hearing what God has placed on your heart to share with His people, whether it is here in this blog or on Summit's. We continue to pray for your health and healing as you rest in His care. Just remember to wait on the Lord.

cmiller77 said...


Sorry to be a dangerous heretic, but I grew up in MS, spent almost 5 years at Southern Miss in graduate school (only went to 1 game), and I have almost no interest in football or in Brett Favre's career (or NASCAR). Yes... I know, I will now be placed under church discipline for blasphemy....:]

However, I am very interested in hearing what God has placed in your heart, brother. I want to peer into those beady little eyes, and look into the waters of your heart to see what God has done, and what He has placed there for you to share with us. In God's time, and according to His purposes, bring on your thoughts, ramblings, and theological insights.

You know, preachers can't hold it in for too long, or they'll burst! (sorry for the pun) Maybe that's what's wrong with your bladder... you need to preach :] Break out that laptop...!

Love ya brother,

Millie said...

These messages have been so wonderful, so heartfelt and so encouraging, I look forward to whatever you post on any blog. I am happy to hear you feel stronger and I look forward to seeing you back on Sundays, but don't push it. We want you well and healthy.
Give Denise my love.

harris said...

We will all continue to pray for complete healing. You have my vote for the continuation of the Summit blog. I love the insight and reflections you give daily and would miss it if you stop. Miss you guys bunches.
God Bless,
Dee and family

Mark Traylor said...

We're late tonight, but better late than never:

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Goliath who?
Goliath down, you looketh tired.

It's been a pleasure and privilege to come alongside you and help carry your burdens before the throne. And it's been a delight to see how magnificently our Father has answered those petitions. Keep taking those baby steps, praising Him for each moment, and before you know it you'll be miles from where you are today.

We love you and can't wait to enjoy you in due time. Just rest and in the mean time, take your nervous energy out on the blog. We think it's a stellar idea.

Mark, Christy and company.

philjpark said...
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philjpark said...


That's great to hear that you've had a better day today. Still praying that there are more of those to come. Stacy told me that Denise came in the other day. Glad to hear that the thought of me reading has kept you guys entertained. It's always good to see a smile on your face. Loving your daily posts, but can't wait to hear from you in person. Until then, keep fighting the good fight...GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!!

mitzi said...

Dear Br. Aaron,
So glad you had a better day yesterday...and thanks for your already heard my vote for your blogging wherever you do it,just let us know where to find you:). I love hearing your heart. mitzi

Houghs said...

Amen, Brother!
God works through you 7 days a week and since you're willing, everyone is entitled to the blessing regardless of his hometown. I'm thankful that you are the pastor at Summit, but it is obvious that many, many people love you and are encouraged by you. This internet, which Satan so often uses for his gain, is also being used for the growth of our common eternal hometown.

Thanks for accepting your calling all those years ago.
We love you!

Unknown said...

Continue to rest and be encouraged. I know the closer you get to being healed the more impatient and anxious we often become. Here is an encouragement from Jeremiah 31:25 "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."

Praying with you,
Tina Buchanan

The Jones Family said...

Hey! Glad you are feeling better!

I have been checking on you (via this wonderful blog) although I haven't written in a few days. You are still in our prayers as you continue to recover. Andy was stir crazy after he got home from his heart surgery, but quickly realized when he was trying to do too much. Try to rest!!!

Please keep up the blog whether here or the church site. Just let us know where you are! I have made a CD of your wonderful sermons that I listen to. They just get better and better! Can't wait to hear more!!!

Love you guys!

Andy and 'Jennifer' Jones

P.S. Denise, I hope you are able to rest and recover as well! Thanks for taking great care of him!

John P said...


I thought I would pass along that in Luke's bedtime prayer last night, Luke prayed for you to get better by the time his finger nail grows back. I think his finger nail has about another 6-8 weeks before it completely grown back so I will encourage him to pick something else like the scratch on his knee. :)

The Pettigrews

LSamples said...

Always eager to hear your ramblings! Just be sure to let us know how to find the Summit blog!
Love, Clark & Lynn

p.s. when are you available for a food drop-off?