Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

This blog is being created primarily to keep my family, friends and church family updated during my upcoming surgery and recovery. Denise will provide a daily update that will be posted here while I am in St. Petersburg.

Denise and I travel to St. Petersburg for our consultation on Monday, July 14. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16.

If you like to leave a comment, we'd love to read your comments but it may not possible for us to reply to them. I'm sure you understand. Thanks for your prayers and loving support.


Jean Ann Scott said...

The Bidnessman and I love you and want you to know that we are praying. We would be there if we could and will be there in spirit. Jean Ann

Anonymous said...

I am sending great big hugs our way! I am praying for you and your family.

Angie Johnson

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the error. The hugs are coming YOUR way!
Love you all,


LSamples said...

I know you're in the best of Hands - God's. We'll be praying for you both. Love to you!

Barry Jimmerson said...

Aaron, Denise and family:
You are all in our prayers. May God's healing be astonishing, complete and rapid.



Bill said...

God bless you, Aaron! You and Denise and kids will be in our prayers.

Paula said...

I will be praying for your entire family during your surgery and recovery, especially Denise. Thanks for setting up this blog to keep us informed.

Get well soon!!!

bigtiger said...

Aaron, the FBC Boaz Watchman Prayer Wall is praying for you.
Denise, don't be discouraged for the Lord is still in charge.
We will be looking for your blog UPDATES.

In His service,
Bob Lancaster

Jonathan said...
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Jonathan said...

We're with you man.


Unknown said...


I will be praying for you and Denise.

Jean Ann Scott said...

The Bidnessman says he loves you and there ain't nothing you can do about it! JAS

Anonymous said...

Aaron and Denise

Just a quick note Kathy and I will be praying for a speedy recovery.

Michael & Kathy Patton

dtidwell said...

Aaron, Denise, & Family...
We are thinking of you and sending love and prayers your way!
Deidra, Mike & Debbie, & MaMa Nell

Anonymous said...

Praying for you dud, more so for Denise as she has to put up with you.

Lindysue said...

Aaron and Denise,
We are praying for you both and wishing you a speedy recovery! May
His Spirit renew you daily, spiritually and physically.
Love you!
Tommy and Linda Turner

swheeler said...

Dear High Holy Reverend - You are lifted by our prayers as you have been since we first met and learned to love you. Abide in His strength. Much love to Denise and the children. Thanks for the blog, so we can keep updated.
Sue and the Wheeler clan.

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for you all.

Cara Johnson Whitehead

The Langfords said...

You and your family are in our prayers. We will check your blog often so we can better pray for your immediate needs.

Annette Strickland said...

I am so glad to communicate to you before your procedure. Know many people are praying for you both here in Athens also. Denise, I want to thank you in advance for keeping us posted. May He keep you both bathed in His peace.

jerika said...

You all are in our thoughts and prayers! May God be with you and give you all strength each day!!!

Jerika,Jonita,Jeff & Jacie Scott

khfarmc said...

We are praying for you all.

Bobby, Kelly, Kyndal, & Mary Kathryn Hunt

Jan Morris said...

Dear Bro. Aaron,
You are in my prayers. We love you,
Jan Morris
Athens, Al.

Amanda Weathers Walker said...

Our prayers are with you and your family during this trying time.
I know God will wrap His arms around you all and give you peace and comfort.
Amanda Weathers Walker and family

Michelle Elkins said...

Bro. Aaron, Denise & family,
Our thoughts and Prayer's are with you. I know God's hands will be with you and Jess will be watching over you also. Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns that we might be of help, since we have been through the same. We love you all and will try to see you when you get home! Love, Talbot, Michelle, Emilee & Michael

The Claburn's @ Boaz said...

Our prayers are being sent up to our Father today in your behalf. Aaron and Denise, you both have a special place in our hearts. We know that God does great and mighty things in our lives. May He contiue to do mighty things with you. We love you!!
Bernie & Cindy Claburn

Andrew Lynn said...

Dear Aaron,

Blessings of peace and comfort be with you and your family as you face this challenge knowing that God's mighty hand is watching over you each step of the way!

Andrew Lynn
Nashville, TN

Russ and Sandy said...

Denise and Aaron,
Know that we are praying for you and we love you!!

Russ and Sandy

Luci1 said...

We're praying too, most especially the prayer that never fails, 'thy will be done, Lord.'

We really enjoyed the service today- so thankful for your peaceful perspective. We're homesick as well. We sure are going to miss your fine preaching and Denise's sweet face in SS for our boys.

Rick, Luci, Andrew, Caleb, David and Mary Mae Galloway

Susan said...

Know ya'll are loved and in our prayers! We are so glad we can keep up with your recovery!
Scott, Susan, Lindsey and Erika

Rebecca said...

I want you and your family to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am wishing for a quick and easy recovery for you.If there is anything you need please call me. We love you and you and your family mean so much to my family.

Rebecca McCartney Montgomery

Dianne said...

Aaron, Denise and family,
I want you to know that we are praying for you and have been. We are glad to have this way of communication to keep up to date with you. We love you guys. Dianne, Jim and Becky Snyder

The Cox Family said...

Dear Aaron and Denise,

We lifted you up in Sunday School this morning. We love you very much. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Ken, Lauren, Deborah, and Beverly
Ezra and Inez Whaley

Lane McGullion said...

The sermon on Heaven yesterday was inspiring. But they always are. You are annointed brother. Sonya and I will be praying for a sucessful procedure and the speediest recovery on record. Hurry back!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please hurry back--Lane's spelling is deteriorating much more quickly than expected. Hope you missed most of the rain driving down yesterday. We love you guys!

Unknown said...

Aaron, You are in my thoughts and I will continue praying for you as always.
Today, I will pray for you and your entire family as you begin your journey for healing. I love you so very much. Lacey Crosson-Cornelius

Littleton Crew said...

Denise and Aaron, We are praying that you feel the newness of God's mercies every single morning, and that He will make known to you, both, His strength which is so much greater than our own. Know that we love you, and we are all praying for you. Paul, Dana, Georgia, and Caroline

Greg and Debbie Holland said...

Your friends at First Baptist of Athens still love you. We are praying for your fast recovery and thanks for the updates.

We love you Greg, Debbie, Emma and Meredith Holland

Pastor Toney said...

Pastor Aaron, Elkton Road Baptist and I are praying for you and your family in Athens!
by His grace,

Candice Rogers said...

Bro. Aaron and Denise,
Thank you for forwaridng this blog and keeping us as up to date as possible so our prayers can be all the more specific! I am sending a hug your way from Ben and I! You are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. You both hold such a special place in my heart. We miss you and love you!
Candice and Ben Rogers

ronda roberts said...

He who dwells in the secret place of the MOST HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. I will say of the LORD, "HE is my refuge and my fortress; my GOD, in HIM I will trust." Psalm 91: 1,2

Oh victory in JESUS, my SAVIOR forever. HE sought me and bought me with HIS redeeming blood. HE loved me ere I knew HIM, and all my love is due HIM. HE plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood.

Yours in CHRIST
ronda roberts

Paul Murphy said...

I am praying for you today along with FBC Arab. You are a special servant! Paul Murphy

roger chandler said...

"I heard about His healing, of His cleansing pow'r revealing,"...from some hymn I heard the other day.
I will be thinking of you this week. Ask for the good drugs.

Roger Chandler

Ray said...

Bro.Arron & Denise;
Ray & Clara Dunnington and many members of FBC Gadsden, Alabama will be lifting you up in prayer at the Wed. night prayer service
, We will pray for the Doctor's & nurse's and a touch from ABOVE with a speedy recovery.

LOVE Ray & Clara Dunnington

Unknown said...


I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. Keep the faith and be encouraged!

Tim Childers, Pastor
FBC, Sylacauga, Alabama

Unknown said...

Dear Aaron & Denise,

My God bless you both. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

We love you.

Beth Ann, Michael, Rebekah and Jordan Reid

michelle said...

You are in the prayers of me and my family. I am thankful for the times we have spent together and the many ways you have impacted my life in bible study settings and other conversations we have had. I pray that God will give you and your family strength and peace during this time.
Michelle Machen

Bishop said...


The Clingans and the Church at Trophy Lakes will be praying for you and Denise this week.

Barry Clingan

Jerry Schrimsher said...

Aaron, Denise and family.
Helen and I will be praying for you during this most difficult and challenging time. I know God has his protective hand upon you. We pray that your surgery is a complete success.


Janice, Ben, & Jordan Hardy said...

God be with you and give you peace. His eye is on the sparrow and I know he will be watching you. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

The Hardy's

Jim Hurley said...

Aaron Johnson is a man's man. My heartfelt prayers for Aaron are lifted up to the Great Healer Jesus Christ. That His peace be upon Denise and the children. That Aaron's recovery will bring Glory to our Father and a renewed spirit of gratefulness and joy to Aaron's congregation. Aaron.....you are indeed loved my brother.

Jim Hurley

"Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me......
John 11:41-42


Jim and Denise said...

Aaron, Denise, Danae and Jordan,
You are constantly in our prayers. We love you and will continue praying for you.

Jim and Denise

Wetherington's World said...
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Wetherington's World said...

You are being lifted up to the Father right this very minute by the most faithful prayer warriors that you know and many that you have never met. We know that you are truly in His Hands. We pray that you will feel His Presence, His Peace, His Healing Power and His Strength.

Blessings and Love,
Bruce, Missy, Zackery and Caleb

Linda Donnelly said...

Bro. Aaron,
You and Denise and your medical team have been in my thoughts prayers for days now. We will continue to pray and are so glad to hear the good news of today. Shannon is visiting grandmother and called me a few minutes ago to ask if I had heard any report on your surgery. She was so happy to hear that things had gone well. We are praying and thinking of you all.
Linda Donnelly

bob trent said...

Bob + Annette + Billy continually praying for abundant grace for Aaron's smooth recovery. Thanks for the updates.

Teresa Putnam said...

Our heart and prayers are with you guys. i'm glad the surgery is over.

Big Hugs and Kisses to all of you.

Lewis and Teresa Putnam

Dana Drumm said...

Thank you so much for all the updates. We continue to pray for all of you. Look forward to more good reports on what God is doing for Pastor in the healing process.

Burt, Dana and Millie Drumm

Unknown said...

Carlos and I are praying for you. Hope your recovery is fast enough for you.
Sheila and Carlos Knox

Gerry Wall said...

Greetings Pastor Aaron!

I rejoice with you and your family that your surgery went well and that the healing has begun.

Be sure to let your doctor know if your pain is not being controlled. He will gladly swith the pain medicines around until he finds one that works best for you.

My hope is that you and your family can feel the love that Summit is sending to you and your family. We love you!

Now, get some rest, take your pain medicine, and ponder all the good things that are yet to be.

Gerry Wall

Teresa Putnam said...

Denise I want you to know I am praying that God will continue to give you the strength you need to minister to Aaron, and that he will continue to grow stronger every day. I pray for rest for both of you.

Did the kids get tested? We have prayed that they would be free of any cancer causing gene. Please address this if you think about it.

GO Dragon Lady!!!!!!!!

Teresa P.

tammy strickland said...

I am sending MUCH Love to you both! You are in my thoughts & Prayers. You hold a Very Special place in my heart!

Love you and God Bless you,
Tammy Strickland

VR2S1 said...

Pastor Johnson & Family, you are in our prayers each day. As the Lord God continues to heal you and do amazing things in your lives, remember: NO TEST, NO TESTIMONY. I want to share with you what God revealed to me when I asked Him what a TESTIMONY is. It is a: TEST-IM-ON for You. The "You" represents God first so that He gets the glory, and the "You" also represents everyone who will see and/or hear about your victory which will encourage them to keep the faith, if they are saved, and for those who are not, that it will bring them to Christ. YOU ARE TRULY A BLESSED MAN OF GOD!!

Evang. Jacquie Trent

Anonymous said...

I just found out you had a blog. We all prayed for you at our prayer group this morning.I love you and Denise and pray every day that he will tke care of you.

nan bowen said...

Pastor, Your strength brings me to tears! I have followed Denise's notes daily but it is good to hear from you. I love you both and am praying for you and your family.

JoAnn Bauer said...

We just wanted to let you know that you and your family have been in our thoughts and PRAYERS. We love you and will never forget the support you gave to each of us during our most tragic time. We will continue to pray for your full recovery.
Jack, JoAnn, and Emilee

Anonymous said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!

Emily Fulmer said...

Hey guys! I'm so glad you're doing okay - there was never a doubt in my mind you would. Reading all these comments reminds me how many lives you have both touched. You are so very loved!! Come home soon!

Emily Fulmer

swheeler said...

Dear ones,
I am making scrapbooks for my children for Christmas, and as I go through pictures, I am reminded how good and gracious God has been to us for 60 years of life, and 41 years of marriage. We have not experienced what you and Denise have gone through, but the ups and downs are there for all of us. It is so wonderful that He is there to lessen the downs, and to encourage us in the high points of our life. He is Good! Our love comes today, as always.

Ms. Calandra said...

The boys and I are thinking about you both and praying for the family.
Denise, you are such an inspiration to me with your strong faith. I miss you dearly!
We are looking forward to hearing more good news about Aaron's recovery in the days to come.
We love you,
Lori, Davis, and Kyle

Piperkei said...

How cool is this thing. Jennifer just forwarded me the link. I have been recovering from surgery myself over the last few weeks and am just now starting to get back into the swing of things.

Dear Aaron, you are so very loved. I find myself overwhelmed by the rally of prayers and well wishes by all the lives that you have touched.

Our Savior reigns over all evil, sickness, hardship and pain. There is purpose in everything and I can't help but wonder if by the flock rallying there is a time of spiritual growth and revival in our church. I do pray that it is so.

I thank you for your stength your obedience to God and standing firm in the teachings of Christ.

Jennifer and I love you. We have and will continue to pray for you and yours. As I am sure you are, we are eager for your return.

Keith & Jennifer Piper

Rich and Cathy Evans said...

Blessings to you brother,

Hey, I get to preach and you can't get away.... :o)

The verses of Scripture that have been particularly special to us in times of distress are Isaiah 40:28-31. It is not our physical strength or abilities that really count - it is putting our faith, hope and trust in the Lord. Then, as a result, we can look beyond our problems (however real and frightening they may be), knowing that we are in His care, under His shadow, and will ultimately be with Him in Glory. Deuteronomy 33:27 say’s “His everlasting arms are always Underneath us; His everlasting love always surrounds us.

It is an interesting fact that when an eagle flies into a storm it tilts its wings, which enables it to soar upward and thereby fly over the storm. This is of course a lesson and encouragement for us - to look to the Lord to guide us through, and over, whatever the circumstances are that we find ourselves in.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40v28-31 (NIV)

May the Lord bless you on your journey and keep you close to His heart. May you find strength and courage in Him, may He grant you quick healing, may He strengthen you in Spirit, and may He always smile down upon you and yours.

Remember, you are loved of the Father first and by your Summit family.

Be Blessed,

Rich & Cathy Evans