Sunday, July 27, 2008

Special request

Here we go on that roller coaster again. Dr. Garcia - the internist that has been seeing Aaron just came in and dropped a bit of a bomb. Yesterday he had told us there was not a bladder infection, he just told us - that as they have let the culture grow there is indication of a possible staph infection in the bladder. The white blood cells are not elevated and they should be, so there is the possiblity that it is a 'false' reading. They are doing another culture and will know more tomorrow. After they get the specimen to test they will most likely go ahead and start an antibotic to get a jump start just in case it is staph. We don't need staph. Please pray.



Unknown said...

Nette and I are lifting you both up. Aaron, judging by your comments I'm sure Ogden Nash wrote "Tin Wedding Whistle" just for you...

Though you know it anyhow
Listen to me, darling, now,

Proving what I need not prove
How I know I love you, love.

Near and far, near and far,
I am happy where you are;

Likewise I have never larnt
How to be it where you aren't.

Far and wide, far and wide,
I can walk with you beside;

Furthermore, I tell you what,
I sit and sulk where you are not.

Visitors remark my frown
Where you're upstairs and I am down,

Yes, and I'm afraid I pout
When I'm indoors and you are out;

But how contentedly I view
Any room containing you.

In fact I care not where you be,
Just as long as it's with me.

In all your absences I glimpse
Fire and flood and trolls and imps.

Is your train a minute slothful?
I goad the stationmaster wrothful.

When with friends to bridge you drive
I never know if you're alive,

And when you linger late in shops
I long to telephone the cops.

Yet how worth the waiting for,
To see you coming through the door.

Somehow, I can be complacent
Never but with you adjacent.

Near and far, near and far,
I am happy where you are;

Likewise I have never larnt
How to be it where you aren't.

Then grudge me not my fond endeavor,
To hold you in my sight forever;

Let none, not even you, disparage
Such a valid reason for a marriage.

Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

Prayers continuing. Just this morning I was praying for a hamburger, now the staph takes precedence: then a hamburger.

I was 'coincidentally' listening to a song when I read this, you'll probably enjoy it. It is by Sovereign Grace Music, "Joy In My Morning" and is should play from this website (it's #9):

Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

Trying again on music link: Click Here

Annette Strickland said...

Praying for good test results and complete healing.
May you both have a good nights rest. Denise wrap up in that "love quilt" you mentioned that was made for you and rest.
May tomorrow be full of hope and good news.

mitzi said...

Dear Br. Aaron and Denise,
Just read your special request to Johnny and he led us in prayer for you...we love ya'll and lifting you both up to our FAITHFUL FATHER..."HE is the ROCK HIS works are perfect and all HIS ways are just, A faithful GOD who does no wrong, upright and just is HE."Deut.32:4
With all our love,
mitzi and johnny

Hugh and Linda Ward said...

Sounds like there is a lot of activity going on both outside the body and inside the body. Just think how far you have come from a week ago. Many things have changed, some good and some not so good but you are moving on and that is what it takes. Hold strong and hold tight, God will not let go. He is right there with you.
In I Peter 5:10 "The God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."
You are breaking new ground each day and slowly healing is taking place. Hope both of you get some rest tonight.
Love, Linda and Hugh

BraveSnyder said...

May the Lord bless you with His peace as you go through this season, my friend. Aaron, we love you and our prayer is that the Spirit will give you strength and rest tonight. Denise, be comforted and know that we pray and lift you up often. Thank you both for the example you set in your marriage that reflects the relationship between Christ and the church. we love you!


Dave and Brooke
Psalm 46:10

Teresa Putnam said...

Pastor Aaron and Denise,

I will honor both of your requests. Pastor I have and will continue to lift up your lovely bride. You guys are a shining example of what marriage should be.
Denise and Aaron I will pray that the infection goes away, and that you will continue to make great improvements.

When you guys get home we would love for you to come over for dinner or we will take you out somewhere.

Now for a word of encouragement. WAR EAGLES!!! or is it GO TIGERS?!! Ok enough of that. I almost had to wash my mouth out.
What I won't do to encourage you.

Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Sandi said...

Our prayers are with you and Denise. The following simple lyrics have encouraged me on more than one occasion.
Sandi and Dave

I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

Gospel Artist Kirk Franklin

Jim and Denise said...

Dear Aaron and Denise
War Eagle! I am not very good at tying so here I go.
I pray each morning and night for your healing. Every tuesday nite at church we are praying for you and Denise and the family. I know God is taking care of both of you while I am I sending this message
I am glad you are in God`s hands.Denise and I love both of you with all of our heart. Aaron you would be proud of Leon and how he preached the word of God today I know his words touched my heart. Aaron I can`t tell you how much you mean to me. Get well soon miss you. What a Savior!

Russ and Sandy said...

There goes Stanfield with that sacrilege War Eagle stuff ...

I will have to give him an amen on Mac, though. He knocked it out of the park today. If you don't hurry back you'll be parking cars on Sunday morning!!

Hardly a moment goes by when you both don't occupy my thoughts. The past 10 days I have truly come to know what Paul meant when he said to 'pray without ceasing'. God give you a peaceful night's rest.

Much love, Russ & Sandy

Unknown said...

Aaron and Denise,

There is only one "staff" that can irritate Aaron and I think we do a pretty good job, so there is no room for any other kind of "staph!" We are continually praying for you both!

Mark Traylor said...

Well, the boys decided they wanted to make you laugh each day so you would get better quicker, and I guess they picked a great day to come up with that plan. They are really excited about all the great knock knock jokes they have for you (to prepare you, some of them are absolutely dreadful!) :)

After much debate of which joke to begin with, the following joke is what won. We hope you enjoy it!

Knock Knock.

Who's There?


Broccoli Who?

Broccoli doesn't have a last name, silly!!

HA HA HA HA! (Just so you know, they were both ROLLING on the floor they thought this was so funny)

We love you both so much and are continuing daily to lift you up. We don't know the moment by moment plans God has for you, but we do know that you are in the Almighty's amazing hands and we couldn't be happier for you!

With all our love,
The Traylors

Anonymous said...

Dear, Pastor Aaron
I hope you feel better soon and start to eat solid foods. I will pray for you and Mrs. Denise.


Dear, Pastor Aaron
I just hope that you feel better. I love you, and I hope that you can get back soon. I have missed you when I have been at church. I hope that Mrs. Denise has the strength to get through this too. Mrs. Denise your hug will be waiting and then I can rub it all in Pastor Aarons face.


Hey guys I hope that today has gone well. Sam and Will have been excited all day as I told them that I would actually let them blog you tonight. Aaron, I am sorry that Will is going to rub the hug in your face, but I am sure that you can get a big hub from Sam if you want.

We love and miss you both and will continue to pray for healing.


tim and nae said...

still kissing my "gorgilla" everday

love you daddy!

MarkG said...

Aaron and Denise,
We just returned from a 10 day vacation with no internet. Imagine! Thought of you and prayed daily. Joe and Eric both asked about you. I stopped at a gas station in SC and got two 12-packs of Sun Drop for six bucks. Woo hoo! I just caught up on all the posts and am overwhelmed at the journey. You are overcoming mighty obstacles. "To him who overcomers I will give..."

Right now Hannah's off in another room singing "Tomorrow" from Annie and Rebekah is wiggling a very loose tooth. These little normalcies of life are made more of a blessing as I read about your current state of genuinely "abnormal" life! You're a great encouragement to us.

Now the girls are here. They have something to say. Bek-Bek says "We hope you feel better. We will see you when you get back." Hannah says "We love you and are praying for you." Sarah Kate has a word for Denise: "Keep up the good work taking care of Pastor Aaron. Remember Romans 5:3-5 and the hope that does not disappoint."

Praying tonight for no staph and good sleep.

Scott Stewart said...

Pastor Aaron and Denise, We wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. I keep checking the blog and am certain that things will improve. We must be faithful and continue to pray and lean on God for all things. Denise, you are such an awesome lady and I pray for rest for you. We look forward to hearing good reports tomorrow. Judy and Scott Stewart

Kathy Reaves said...

Aaron and Denise,
I want you both to know we are tninking of and praying for you both. You were both here with me when I needed you - I wish you weren't so far away! We love you both!
Kathy Reaves

Bill said...

If we're to believe Forrester Research, 24% of Americans read blogs and about 12% comment on blogs, so to try and and fit that to what's going on here, if there have been about 100 unique individuals commenting, then imagine how many other unique individuals are reading the blogs without commenting! Denise, ask the guy who created your blog to put a stat counter on it so we can see all the blessings. is a good one and will show all readers from all over the world. (okay, I think there's something spiritual about statistics... I'm funny that way).

What a blessing this blog has been and I pray that you and Aaron keep it going when you get back. Again... what a blessing and, of course, what a Savior!

Down Syndrome Policy Council of GA said...

Pastor and Denise
I'm finally getting around to figuring out how to respond on here, this is way cool. We ha a time of prayer for you Pastor Friday at the Hardage House. Even little Charlie prayed for you, of course he did it loud enough you probably heard it. The kids have been lifting you both up every morning before reading time in summer school. Pamela and I really miss you both.

You asked a question the other day Denise that I have asked so many times, why is it that sometimes He answers immediately and others he seems to take his time. It reminded me of Aaron praying with me a few months ago over some really hard finance issues we were facing and he encouraged me that the logistics sometimes take longer to work because the response will be so overwhelming.

Lord God I lift up Aaron and Denise to you Daddy. Please show them just a little of the glory You are building for Yourself through Your answer to all of our prayers. What a bond we have with eachother through this. You have used this family our friends to unite a body of believers as I have never seen.

You are raising up leaders that may not have served if not for the suffering that my Pastor is going through Lord and You are Faithful. God You Rock. Please Father wake Aarons system up, restore His health in a miraculous way as only You can. Amaze the medical staff.

Lord please bless Denise beyond her understanding for her faithfulness and give her rest. Lord we your children will serve you in all gladness.

Thank you for the honor of having Aaron as my Pastor Lord and thank you for the time Denise sacrifices with her best friend for the sake of Your people at The Summit. What a Church.

Guys you are deeply loved. I just wanted to drop a line the prayer was kind of spontanious but short of being able to give you both hugs and pray with you in person it will have to do for now. When you get back I'll have the biscuits and coffee hot. I love you both so much.

Ms. Calandra said...

We love you guys! I am so sorry to hear about a possible infection! Yuck! We will continue to pray for you both daily! Your strength, courage, and faith in Jesus will carry you through this valley. He is an Awesome God! Denise, please remember that you told me you would be sure to go outside at least once a day to get some fresh air. Take care of yourself because Aaron will still need your help when he gets to come home!
We love you and miss you!
Lori,Davis, and Kyle

Kathy said...

I'm beginning to share your dislike of roller coasters!!! I am praying. Please remember that you are loved!

Paula said...


I ask you for a false positive staph report and for your continued healing of Pastor A. Thank you Father for the power of antibiotics. Bless these two with sweet dreams and restful sleep tonight. In Jesus name I pray. Amen ✞

Thank you for letting us ride the roller coaster too, and for setting a wonderful example of a Godly marriage. Some day your gorgeous grandchildren are gonna read this journal. When they do, they will see a message of healing hope and an incredible love between you two and God and say "wow".

mommy4xlrainey said...

Wow - Although you guys are going up & down a BIG roller coaster right now, you too are ministering to us as well. Really it is amazing to see (read) what God is doing & how he is working in ya'lls lives too. It's the amazing daily walk that He so desperately wants with us - thank you for sharing a peek into yours with us.

The Rainey's (Varisty Dogs & Steak Burgers...mmm smell the grease!)

Jean Ann Scott said...

Aaron and Denise, Terry and I are praying for NO STAPH!!We love you guys and think of you daily.
If you didn't know, my Daddy passed away Friday morning. He had a massive heart attack and went to be with the Lord quickly, which is a blessing. He is with his bride where he wanted to be. He loved you and prayed for you. I have to tell you that we did not bury him in his green jacket, but I did have it on display at the funeral home!
We love you both. Jean Ann

Unknown said...

The sun will come out tommorrow!

Jennifer Smith


Aaron & Denise
I have been at a WMU conference and only heard about the latest problem tonight at church. Joe Teal told the church about the possibility of straph and we had special prayer for you. I know that this is a trying time for both of you but, once you are through this crisis, I believe you will be even stronger in your love for the Lord and your love for each other. Today, coming back from Shocco, we were talking about you. Bessie Marie, Debra McConnell and I all had memories of special times when you were there for us and how you helped us when times were "bad". Please know that we are praying for you and asking God to wrap you in His love and give you strength, patience, peace and love.

May God CONTINUE to be with both of you.

Dianne Landtroop