Sunday, July 27, 2008

11:15 p.m. 11th day

It is late. My bed time is 10 pm sharp. But then, what is time when you are in the hospital? it isn't like i have a pressing appointment tomorrow.
Permit me two reflections before i pursue sleep.

The first is a thought on perspective.
Through this blog, you have been given an insider's perspective of our pathway. You have read the words and prayed and i am moved, honored, humbled, and healed by your prayers. Thank you. Now here comes the perspective part. Right now it really doesn't matter very much who wins the iron bowl, the sec title, or the super bowl. Right now i really just want to feel well enough to be on the parking team when i get home. You just can't know what a thrill it would be to be able to walk those wooden steps up to the upper parking lot, to be able to stand in the heat and direct cars, or just to stand for a few minutes. I would be thrilled just be able to serve in any way. Even if it is as a poor example! Russ, there is nothing more important than the parking team and i even have the shirt.

The second reflections is on the saints on the list of bloggers.
Guys we have something in common! On this and through your notes, i have been touched by a class mate from high school, whom i have not seen in 30 years. Another class mate posted and I haven't seen her since leaving Guntersville. I have read die-hard Bama fans write War Eagle, a principle misspell a word, an engineer get misty eyed, children threaten to hug my wife and rub it in my face, and well, you have read them. I just wish you could all know each other..........On these posts are attached some of the most important people in my life. One of the bloggers is perhaps the smartest man i know (i will let you all wonder who). Another is a published and vastly well traveled author and missionary. Another is perhaps the most Godly man i have ever known and the one who impacted my life more than anyone else when i was a teen. I am in ministry today because of him. Still another is a life long friend who called me to be his youth minister 25 years ago. Another is a brother whom i met on a flight from Huntsville to Atlanta several years ago and we haven't seen each other since. I am so grateful to God for each one of you. Thank you for writing.
What we have in common is our relationship in Christ AND the fact that in days gone by I have prayed for each one! Oh how i wish you could see the collection of hurts and hopes we all are! I just can't tell you which of these has survived breast cancer, or which one waited for months as his child lay in intensive care fighting for life..TWICE. Which ONES have known the pain of loosing a child. Which ones have a wayward child. And i have had the joy of lifting each of you in passionate prayers over the years! This is just too good to sleep on......
And here we share common ground. We are simply children, trusting a loving the way, the post about kissing the "gorgillia" is from my daughter and she calls me Daddy.
The truth is, our shared faith, pain and dependence is all that ties us to humanity.
SO, let me tell you that your life is urgent! You exist for the purpose of joining in this family of hurting and healing and making a difference. Whose life have you touched today? You have certainly touched ours.
Thank you for all the examples of faith under pressure!
OK...I have started preaching.
Good night dear Friends, good night, good night.


Anonymous said...

Love ya my Brother

Will Weir said...

Brother Aaron:

As I just read your post, I remembered how you came and ministered to me and prayed for me when I was in the hospital facing unknown territory. Remember what you told me? You said maybe the reason I was going through that particular unknown health issue was to teach me patience. Well it did, and thankfully a simple cure was found. So remember patience. Let this minister to you just as you did so magnificiently to me.

Praying for you both, and loving you more than you can imagine.

Will Weir
Athens, AL

Hugh and Linda Ward said...

Pastor Aaron, just read your post from last night. I wish I had something profound to say but I feel you have said it all. Although we did not know you at the time our son died, it was our Christian friends who stayed wtih us all night, prayed with us all night and for weeks and years and that brought us through. It was not the physical pain that your are enduring but still a pain. We love you and are praying for you and Denise without ceasing. Love, Hugh and Linda

surrendered said...

Morning Boss, know your tired and just as Aaron and Hur stayed Mose's arms when he tired we are "staying" you through this.

Tory Lee said...

Our family has been one of those silent bloggers. We could not go another day without letting you know that we have lifted you up in prayer daily since Shirley Chupp told us about your surgery. Even though we only met once, the memories of laughter around the campfire have remained in our hearts. We are so thankful to be a part of the Body of Christ lifting you up to the throne. Teresa, Dan, & Victoria Aughinbaugh

Millie said...

You can "preach" to me anytime! I doubt that you will ever know this side of heaven how much your words on this blog and from the pulpit and in your quiet conversations have touched lives and changed hearts. Can't wait to have you back where you belong - in the pulpit at Summit - but until then, we are praying for your full recovery and for peace and comfort for both you and Denise. I hope today only brings good news from the doctors. Love you both, Millie

7.62x54r said...

If you want to tell me good night you're going to have to do it before 10PM. ;-) We think of y'all every day and look forward to seeing you again.

duckett said...

Another great day with Jesus. Our prayers are lifting u and Denise up daily all day. Rejoice in what today brings.

We love you both so much.
Jeff & Aundie

Janice Cheshire said...

Denise and Aaron,
I have often wondered what did Joseph think daily as he sat in a dirty, damp, rat infested prison for years in Egypt. Did he wonder why God left him there. And the burden of knowing that your own brothers sold you into slavery had to have been hard. But,God was using pain, hurt, isolation, and sickness to shape Joseph for his very special work. That shaping took years but as we all know, wow look at the results, of what God does in the pit. Aaron, God has you in the pit, and Denise also, to prepare you for a great work someday where people will know that it was God's hand who made you. I have seen the same thing in what Corrie Ten Boom experienced in the concentration camps. When she came out, what a powerful witness for God she became. Before, she was just an unmarried older person living an uneventful life. When God puts these events in your life, know that He has blessed you because He is preparing you for a higher mission. We all look forward to seeing what position God is preparing for you.
We are praying and we are confident that God is the director.

Stacy and Jeff Fuson said...

As a first-time blogger, forgive me if this posts twice! I just had trouble figuring this out!

Our family, too, had been a "silent blogger" but we want you to know how much you have been on our hearts, minds, and obviously continual prayers. God brings you to our minds almost immediately after waking up every day and throughout the day. I'm practically obsessed about checking the websight to see how God's working in your lives and those who are praying for you! Just teasing about the obsessed part, but it's neat to realize how God is working through you both to affect so many people who are leaving comments and so many more who may be too shy to post (as I was!). We are so humbled that you were praying for us during Jeff's job loss while you were having to face your own "giant." You are an amazing family, and we will continue to lift you up for healing, rest, and peace.

Denise, you are such an inspiration to others in how you are handling such a difficult time, too! You continue to teach women, just as I learned so much from you during my MOPS days a few years ago! We will pray for your rest and peace as well.

Much love,
Stacy and Jeff Fuson

John and Robin Head said...

Aaron, your preaching is certainly missed here in Acworth, Georgia! It was nice to read a bit of it here on the blog - feel free to do so any time the Spirit moves you! But, yes, Johnny did a GREAT job last week, as did Leon yesterday, and Jud will next week. Add to them Dave and Lee - I keep telling you, watch your back, 'cause these guys preach good....

Its been so hard to think of words that are adequate, I think there truly are none. We just want you to know that we love and miss you both, and we're praying for you. Your lows are our lows, and your highs, our highs. God has been, is, and will be FAITHFUL AND TRUE, the One and Only on the throne, and HE Alone is worthy of glory and praise - oh my yes, WHAT A SAVIOR! Amen

Aaron and Denise, thank you both for the blessings that you are.

We love you,

Unknown said...

Lane made it to New Orleans last night for his workshop. He would have loved for you to have gone along to be his tour guide. We know how special that place is to you and Denise. He said something about a rainbow...
We miss and love you dearly! Praying constantly for you both.

mamat209 said...

"I have a MAKER...
HE formed my heart.
Before even time began
My life was in HIS hands.

I have a FATHER...
HE calls me HIS own.
HE'LL never leave me
No matter where I go.

HE knows my name.
HE knows my every thought.
HE sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call."

("HE Knows My Name" by Tommy Walker)

Praying for you both today,
Pat and Terry

Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

Preach it, brother. :)