Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Post Op day 14.5 post II

I must be better since i am typing on a computer for the second time today.
Today has been a day of bickering with my bladder. You never think about that thing until something goes wrong with it. It still doesn't want to render me full support. Rather, it is a solid "D" student. It does as little as possible to get by.
On the up side; i am now staple free, and my IV was removed earlier this afternoon. This leaves me with only one umbilical still holding me to my room and bed. I can remove it as often as i like and walk as much as i feel able. For the first time in 16 days, Denise walked down the hall hand in hand, well, arm in arm, or more truthfully her under my arm.
I seem to be ahead of the curve in regard to how i feel in general and i know i am well ahead in the pain department. It is a sure bet that i feel better than i look. Of course that is always the case.
Until tomorrow, thanks again for all your prayer support, blogs, cards, and well wishes. You have moved me more than you can know.


Houghs said...

Yea! Your "ball and chain" days are almost over! You'll be escaping before long. Thanks for all of the posts. Otherwise, you would have half of the southeast suffering from withdrawals. I love seeing that so many people, from so many places, want to extend their love to you. The two of you have left fingerprints all over. Jesus loves you, this I know.

Lane McGullion said...

Just a note to let you know that Dr. Echols sends his thoughts and prayers. What a passionate guy. I'll have to catch you up later.

I'm reading a fascinating book at the moment. It's called "A Strategy to Instill Institutional Stewardship in the Student Body of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary." Ring any bells? It's a real-page turner, I can't wait to see how it ends. ;~>

Hang in there. You'll be walking down the hall to sign the discharge papers before you know it.


Anonymous said...

Hi - Just a note to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for early release for good behavior.

Much Love
Lea & Snow

Mark Traylor said...

Well, the boys were so upset when I was putting them to bed because we hadn't sent you our knock knock joke for the day yet. I needed to get them in bed so I promised to come straight downstairs and send you this blog! They are so glad to know that you are feeling a little better so they decided to send you a little bit funnier knock knock tonight (oh those two are absolutely adorable!!--this joke actually made me laugh really hard, but they didn't think it was quite as funny as I did). Here is your "little bit funnier" joke...

Knock Knock

Who's There?


Owls Who?

I know that!!

Love you bunches and of course are continuing to pray faithfully!

The Traylors

Anonymous said...

Hello Denise and Aaron,
I found out how to read your blogs last week, but I couldn't send my message. Tonignt,Lea helped me to get on the message spot. I was moved to tears as I read all your messages. Pat and I have been praying every day. Sounds like ya'll will be out of there before long. God is good all the time! We love you and look forward to seeing you up and getting around.
Love Ya! Sadie

Canyon Shearer, DMin said...

In the words of a slightly greater than Forrest Gump theologian, Dave Ramsey, when asked how he is, states, "Better than I deserve."

Praying for continued walks in the hall and rainbows out the window.


THE HUTCH said...

Hey Pastor! I'm sorry I haven't posted to you sooner, I just didn't know what to say or how to say it. You'll probably understand, having been in the military, and knowing how soldiers and Marines deal with their buddies being hurt. We tend to pretend its not happening. I was never good at pretending. :)
I am so glad that you are healing well. You've been an inspiration to so many people, and we all miss you very much.
Hopefully you know by now that Kelly is pregnant. She's due in March. I consider myself lucky that I got to know you while you still had Jordan at home. I can only hope that I'm half as good of a father as you are.
Anyway, I hope and pray that you continue to heal well. We're looking forward to your return!

Remember: "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride, and never quit, you're a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards." ~ You know who said it!! :)


Greg spry said...

aaron and denise, hope you have restful nite, and bright for tommorow.

harris said...

Pastor Aaron and Denise,
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better and we will continue to pray for an even better day tomorrow. Denise, I'm also praying for you daily as you take care of your hubby like a "newborn". May both of you see His glory in the day to day and have renewed strength mentally and physically. I loved the post from the other day how you mentioned all the different people that have been posting messages and all the different hurts and hopes they all have. You mentioned the fact of how you wished we all knew each other. Well, you start feeling like you do when you check this blog site daily. I was telling my dad how awesome it is to see the fellowship of believers through the messages left daily and he said that this is just a glimpse of what heaven will be like. How awesome it is to have a Father who allows us to be part of His perfect plan.

P.S. I kind of like Dave's word "shapoopie" since I work with preschoolers and all. I'm not sure it would go over well from the pulpit though.

Love ya both,

Janice Cheshire said...

OK, so now as they say, the door is open, here is another option for a name to add to the list for your new system.
ET--Enteric Translocation

And I assume that everyone wants ET to "come home".
Thanks for the update on Beth. It is humbling and glorious to see how God answers prayers--for both of you. Oh, and keep up the preaching.

cmiller77 said...


I grinned to see you call yourself the "sick guy" once again, and to hear you evaluate the current performance levels of your various pieces-parts. Are we not all sick with this disease called "sin"? As with the body, we have an inescapable genetic predisposition to this disease, and we inevitably choose of our own free will the paths of this disease, just as in the flesh we choose to eat poorly, ignore exercise, smoke, avoid sleep, destroy our skin with sun bathing, and etc. Do we not find ourselves doing those things that in our spirit we wish not to do, and not doing those things that we wish to do? Similarly, you find your bladder unwilling to do that which is needed for the health of your body; thus, your mind is at war with your bladder, just as our spirit is at war with our flesh.

While our justification is secured forever through the blood of Christ, our sanctification is a process, just as healing from this major surgery is a process. Just as your physical recovery is not without pain, so our spiritual sanctification is not without pain. However, He who wounds us is faithful and just, and desires only to mold us to be more like Him, to the glory of the Father.

Praise be to God that one day our race will be finished, and our battle will be won. In that day we will all be changed: the imperfect will be perfected, the perishable will put on the imperishable, the mortal will put on imortality, (and your POOPER system will put on a heavenly colon). Death will be swallowed up in victory through Christ Jesus our Lord, and we shall see Him as He is. As my sick friend likes to say, "Oh what a Savior!."

So, brother, do not think that you toil in vain as you live out this path that our Lord has given you, for God is at work within you, and within those of us who call you friend, brother, and pastor.

Be at peace in Him.

Unknown said...

Aaron & Denise,
Jesus said (don't know when or where)"it is more blessed to give than to receive." As each of us gives to you in prayer and blogs, we are truly blessed with multiplied blessings. Your faith and love for God and love for each other is a true blessing to us. Your many friends who care so deeply are giving to our hearts more than they can imagine, even many of us don't know each other.
Please don't get impatient and rush your recovery. That doesn't work, just makes it worse. We are praying for you in Athens.

Lewis J Payne said...

It is awesome to hear your progress. I am so sorry you had to go to such great lengths to speak with authority. But, it will be worth it. Trust me. The two of you together are the greatest sermon I have ever seen. He is proud of you two, and so are we. Thank you