Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 11 - 8:05 a.m.

Good Sunday Morning!
I would like to give this blogging thing another whirl.
You have all been more than kind to take the time to write and your prayers have sustained us. No, honestly, we have been sustained by your intercession.
It has been 14 days since i have eaten. I had some soup yesterday, but you just can't chew soup. God had a 14 day fast planned for me and it has been a blessed walk with Him. Not that i recommend taking this path for alone time with God; but has been sweet.
Denise has cared for me just like a mother does a new born baby. EXACTLY like a mother takes care of a new born. Maybe that is sufficient for all to understand.

Some of you may have had the opportunity to experience the power and emotion of an old time, foot washing. What Christ did for the disciples just before his murder, he commanded us to do for each other. I know a lot of churches and people who interpret this litterally, so they regularly have foot washings at church. I interpret the passage to mean that we are to minister to one another as the need for ministry arrises.
Friends, you have washed my feet. I am humbled to tears. Receiving is hard. The recepient is always more touched by the moment of washing than the giver. Thank you.

I have two specific requests this moring. First is for my bride. She has been washing my feet so much lately that she isn't taking as much care for herself as she should. Please pray for my bride. She is simply a champ for me. You know, we love to be together! So being in a room with the one you love for a 21 day stint can't be all that bad when you really enjoy her company so much.

Lastly, let me ask you to pray for my system. Today the tubes begin to be clamped off, removed, and the like. In fact, I may loose a total of three tubes within the next 24 hours. IF my systems all work well, then they stay out. IF my systems are not yet awake, then they will have to be replaced. I would really enjoy being tube free again. Please pray for a system that is alive and well.

Until we meet again! OH What A Savior!


Millie said...

Aaron and Denise,
You know you will be at the top of the prayer list for all of us at church today. I know others will read this before we go to church, but we want you both to feel loved and prayed over so much that you feel God holding you in the palm of his hand and soothing you with his love and ours. I pray you have a good day - of rest and healing and great progress.
Love you both, Millie

Houghs said...

Pastor and Denise,
Every day, it is so wonderful to feel connected to you. This morning, Ronny and Tori will be singing the song, "Your Love is Extravagant." The lyrics are few, but full of Truth. Just because you can't attend doesn't mean that you can't experience the blessing, so here you go...

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship mmmm intimate
I find I’m moving to the rythyms of your grace
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place

Your love is extravagant
Spread wide in the arms of Christ
Is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known
You considered me a friend
capture my heart again

Oh, how precious is King Jesus!
I will be on my knees for divine intervention in His holy vessel.
Have a great day...
The Houghs love y'all so much!

Hugh and Linda Ward said...

Dear Pastor Aaron and Denise, Our shoulders are for bearing your burdens and request so that we may know how to pray for you. Denise we will lift you up in special prayer today. YOU are the one (physical one) who Aaron needs, you must get some rest and feel replinished with sleep and rest, please so that for youself and him.
Aaron, we pray that your system will respond when sone of the tubes are removed today. We pray that even though soup is not chewing food, the soup will supply the body with what you need today. We believe that your doctors and medical team are all working for you and they will working with you in everything that is done for you. Getting ready for church. Know that many are pray for both of you. Denise, as your surrogate Mother, do as I ask of you (Miss Linda). Love, Hugh and Linda

Jim and Lissa said...

Aaron and Denise,
We will spread the word at FBC Guntersville. You cannot realize how much you two have ministered to us from that hospital in St Pete. You may be aware of all Alan's health issues these past two years...your faith, and your patience in waiting for healing has reminded us (again) that God's timing is perfect.
We love you both SO much and we continue to pray for healing an strength for you both.
Lots of love,

harris said...

Pastor Aaron,
I pray that you will continue to feel ministered to by your flock. You so deserve it for all that you do for us. It is a very humbling experience to allow others to be there for us and I'm glad you are feeling loved and supported by many. Thank you for the many times you have encouraged me and my family over the years. You always remind me to keep my eyes on Him when you say, "You can choose to be more like Jesus in your trial or less like Him." May God bless you today and continue to restore your body to health. I pray also that you and Denise both would see God's glory daily as you wait on Him. Romans 8:26 came to mind as I thought of you and Denise as you go through the roller coasters of this trial. Isn't it so awesome to think,"...the Spirit himself helps us in our weakness...with groans that words cannot express." Not only are your brothers and sisters in Christ on their knees in intercessory prayer for you and your family but also the Holy Spirit.
You are so special to your Sunday School class and I know they will wrap their arms around you when they see your smiling face enter the room. I am praying for you to remember to take care of yourself. We sometimes forget as women that if we don't take care of ourselves we can't do all that we need to do for others. Rest in Him!
Love ya both,

Unknown said...

I just sat down for the first time today to check on your progress and was moved to tears by your kind words for all of those who are praying for you and Denise! Interceding on the behalf of others is one of life's little joys! People all over the world are praying for your recovery and for your sweet Nise! I know she won't sit down as long as there is an opportunity to do something for you. Mothers always put others first and ourselves last. That's just how we are! I pray that Denise will take the time she needs to rest so she can keep her health and strength up. I pray, Dear Lord, for our Pastor who needs a little help with his system. Father, heal his body so the tubes can be removed completely. Fill them both with your peace. Send them back to us soon!