Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 10 1:25 p.m.

I am afraid words fail me. . . it is possible Aaron has a bladder infection and this is the hold up. They are testing we should know later today. Maybe some (more) antibiotics can fix the problem. He is already taking a mouth swish (yuck according to him) for thrush due to the antibiotics he was on to prepare for the surgery. He is not feeling very well today. Back on that roller coaster. At least at Six Flag's i only get on them if i choose to! Oh, please, forgive my whine. I know God is faithful and i know 'this too shall pass' . . . 'even if not' . . .

love you all



Traci and Jeff Edwards said...

Denise you are an amazing lady! A whine every now and then is okay... I am sure! I am so sorry that Pastor Aaron is not feeling well today! We are praying and thinking about you guys constantly! Love ya!
Traci and Jeff

surrendered said...

Hey Boss and Miss Denise,
Life’s floodwaters, like those of the Mississippi will recede with time. Some times things just don't pass as quickly as we want them to.
Romans 8:28, good is coming to God from this for I imagine many who have not prayed are or will be and in doing so will be drawn closer to Him.

Millie said...

Our prayers for improvement will continue as long as there is a need, both day and night. Keep up your spirit and your love. All will be well.
Give Aaron big hugs for all of us who can't right now and tell him he is well loved.

Hugh and Linda Ward said...

Hey Denise, Whine all you want, that is what our shoulders are for. We can lift you up in prayer because we know all of this is hard on you too. You are only human and I know you don't want Aaron to suffer anymore than necessary. I pray the medicine will fix this problem soon.
Love you, Linda Ward

Anonymous said...

I am home from vacation, and wanted to check in. I am soooo thankful for this blog where I can keep up with how things are going! God is good and I know you can feel Him with you through every step of this process. I will keep praying.

Love you both!!!

BIG hugs to you,
Angie Johnson

Dan Ratcliffe said...

Denise, when I made that comment to you yesterday about a bladder infection, I was not trying to create more problems!! Think about it this way...antibiotics will take care of the infection. If that is why Aaron has not been able to void, that's an easy problem to fix!! That might even be a bigger answer to prayer than you think!! Hang in there...know that recovery is but a small amt. of time compared to what could have been. God is so faithful!!!

Isaiah 65:24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Still praying,
Kathy Ratcliffe

Unknown said...

Aaron & Denise,

God has a time table and the biggest issue we have is trying to get ahead of it I know that this too will pass and compared to the time we have instore for us is but a second. God will heal and will deliver you from this house of pain and return you to where you are needed to work. We love you and are praying for you each day for strength and courage and a fast recovery for we truly miss you.

All our love!

David & Lynn Kissinger

S.Cail said...

I barely know you, but I have only seen Jesus shine through you during these difficult days.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in. Sorry you have not had such a great day today. We will pray for a better tomorrow.

Love ya

Houghs said...

As Ronny says, "If it's not one thing, it's a hundred!" I would like to say that Jesus is building your coping skills, but then I think about the positions that you hold as pastor/pastor's wife. Each of you surely already has your PhD in coping, so there must be another answer. Keep praising Him in the storm, just like you have been. Your witness is magnetic. Thank goodness God helped somebody develop antibiotics!
The staff is doing a terrific job, but there's a spoke missing. We miss you, Pastor and Denise!
The Houghs

mitzi said...

Dear Denise,
Just wondering if Br. Aaron is taking probiotics to help with thrush from the antibiotics? Praying for ya'll and loving you from afar. Thanks so much for your honest posts...they're beautiful. love,mitzi